Raiden Legacy

Average Streamers
Average Channels
Global Rank: 0
Total Streamers: 0
Highest Viewers: 14
Most Channels: 1

Twitch game Raiden Legacy is ranked 0 as the most popular Twitch game and watched most by Twitch viewers in 2020. Raiden Legacy had 12 Average Viewers on Twitch in 2020 with on average 1 streamers streaming at all times according to Twitchstats statistics. 12 people like to watch Raiden Legacy any given time. Raiden Legacy has total of 0 unique streamers and channels stream it on Twitch. Raiden Legacy had its highest peak viewership with 14 viewers. The highest concurrent viewers was 14 and highest concurrent channels were 1. Most Popular Raiden Legacy streamers are

Raiden Legacy had 12 Average Viewers and 1 channels streaming on August 18, 2020, Raiden Legacy had 12 Average Viewers and 1 channels streaming on August 19, 2020

Raiden Legacy had 12 Average Viewers and 1 Average Channels streaming on August,